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Logidale | Solutions
Logidale | Solutions


Our eCommerce solution facilitates inventory management, product showcasing, secure payment processing, and much more

Logidale | Solutions

Marketing Automation

With our community-focused Marketing Automation, you can automate repetitive tasks, nurture leads, and segment your audience for targeted campaigns.

Logidale | Solutions

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Our CRM solution helps effectively manage your customer relationships and improve your business from a centralized database.

Logidale | Solutions

Systems Integration

We help enable the addition of new functionalities and compatability with other systems without disrupting existing operations.

Logidale | Solutions

MVP & Prototyping

From wireframes to functional prototypes, we’ll guide you through the process, ensuring your product meets user needs and exceeds expectations.

Logidale | Solutions

Impact Audit

We assess the effectiveness of your technology investments, identify areas for improvement, and provide actionable recommendations to maximize ROI.

Logidale | Solutions

Workflow Automation

From task automation to data integration, we’ll help you eliminate bottlenecks and improve efficiency across your IT systems.


We Cater to Industry-Specific Needs

At Logidale, we understand that every industry has its unique challenges, requirements, and goals. That’s why we take pride in offering specialized solutions designed to cater to the specific needs of your industry. With years of experience working across diverse sectors, we’ve gained the insights and expertise necessary to deliver tailored services that drive success in your field.

Our Team

Meet Our Team Of Experts

Logidale | Solutions
Logidale | Solutions

Jorge Velkin

Managing Director

Logidale | Solutions

Kim Herick

Account Director

Logidale | Solutions

Bill Murey

Head of Directive

Logidale | Solutions

Nickol Moma


Our Solutions

Solution Benefits

Logidale | Solutions
Logidale | Solutions

Reduced Complexity

Rather than introducing new systems, optimizing existing ones simplifies the IT landscape, making it easier to manage and improve as needed.

Logidale | Solutions

Cost Efficiency

By optimizing existing systems, you can identify and eliminate discrepancies, reduce maintenance costs, and maximize the return on your initial investment.

Logidale | Solutions

Realization of Untapped Potential

Your existing systems may have untapped capabilities that can be leveraged through optimization, unlocking additional value without the need for new expensive investments.

Logidale | Solutions


Integrating systems allows for easier scalability as your company grows. We help enable the addition of new functionalities and compatability with other systems without disrupting existing operations.



Logidale | Solutions
Discovery Meeting
Effort & Budget Estimate
Business Solution Analysis
Platform Procurement Access (Optional)
Agile Project Delivery
To make requests for
further information
contact us

Our Location

1501 Howard Ave Windsor, ON N8X 3T5, Canada

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